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  • Satarla

What is a risk assessment?

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

And why do we do them?

A risk assessment is a method for identifying, analysing and evaluating risk.  It is our primary method through which we can collect and challenge information on our risks, which in turn leads to a far greater understanding of what those risks entail.  We can then put in place controls that make sense and stand a far greater chance of being effective than if we did not undertake a risk assessment.  A vast myriad of types of risk assessment exist, some more complex than others.  The best methods involve a cross section of interested parties and incorporate their individual (if conflicting) input.  Key is the facilitation style:  risk assessments should be engaging, informative and time efficient.

Satarla has been delivering training on risk assessments globally, including South Africa, the UK and Australia - all receiving fantastic feedback. We deliver these training sessions within our own training centre, inhouse with our clients, and through our partners such as the Institute of Risk Management.

Here is our short promotional video for one of the risk assessment training courses that we designed and deliver for the IRM:

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