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Satarla brings you world-leading consultancy, training and research in ESG across all sectors and geographies.

ESG encompasses all Environment, Social and Governance aspects of a sustainable organisation or decision. Often incredibly complex in nature, these threats and opportunities can seem daunting to even the best teams. Integrated risk management allows you to acknowledge and manage both the upside and downside to ESG, no matter what your sector or geography.




ESG Risk Management

Actively managing opportunities

and threats of ESG

Satarla are specialists in integrated, enterprise wide risk management (ERM). Our founding principles reside in our ability to empower organisations to ensure that sustainability is included in their decision making. We therefore have decades-worth of experience in ensuring that ESG is truly incorporated into your overarching organisation risk management.

We are also experts in Environment, Social (inclusive of occupational health and safety), and Governance and so delight in diving into detail in these areas of risk. For more on how ESG risk management works see our risk management page.


Measuring Reality

Audit, review and disclosure

The plethora of standards, guidelines and principles on ESG and sustainability can often be difficult to navigate.  Measurement and reporting against these standards can also be difficult with a tendency to measure what is easy (tick-box) rather than the true impact an organisation may be having on ESG (both positive and negative), and also the impact that ESG may be having on an organisation.   

Satarla brings its expertise in both the disciplines of ESG and Auditing to focus in on those measurements provide insight to true ESG performance.  


Holding the Pen

Shaping policy and sharing knowledge

Our Associates are lucky enough to have been (and continue to be) on the drafting committee of many of the sustainability-focused standards, guidelines and principles. We therefore not only contribute to the shaping of regulation, but also have insight to where it will be going in the future. 


We regularly provide training sessions to governments and policy makers,  helping them to not only shape their leadership, but also put decisions into practice.  For more information on our training products see our training page.


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Responsible Raw Materials

A successful Energy Transition and Green Deal relies on the responsible sourcing, extraction and processing of raw materials. Responsible Raw Materials (originally founded by members of Satarla, now a separate not-for-profit organisation) focuses exclusively on action-orientated projects and conferences to make its title a reality.



Measuring the truth of ESG in mining. Enabling both miners and investors to understand what ESG is and how to realise the opportunities and prevent the threats posed by its risks on communities through to governments and businesses.



ESGuide helps you to navigate international ESG standards to identify actionable tasks specific to the context of your organisation. These enable you to manage and measure your ESG risks and therefore disclose how sustainable your organisation truly is, with verifiable evidence.

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Working with government to address the United Kingdom’s energy transition and sustainability agenda. Satarla is an early partner and regular facilitator of meetings and drafting of papers. In early 2021, Satarla will be delivering tutoring to members of parliament on ESG in raw materials and mining.



Remote and independent, verifiable measurement of changing landuse through to emissions. Our technology partners Terrabotics are world-leading in satellite-derived data analysis enabling Satarla associates to optimise interpretation of the data and management of risks.


Training & Tutoring

Satarla excels in interactive learner-centric training. We offer specialist training courses and tutoring in ESG and Sustainability across a number of sectors.  Many of our courses are bespoke so if you don't see what you are looking for, just ask.

Critical Mineral Association

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