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  • Satarla

Sustainability and ESG Training Courses

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Satarla has completed a market scan of currently available and up-to-date sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) training courses, which is free to access here.

There are a wide variety of courses available online that cover sustainability and ESG from an introductory level, through to granular subject matter and industry specific knowledge. The majority of these are short courses and available for free via online platforms, that charge a fee for certification at the end.

Following the Cop26 climate conference, attending by governments of the world, you may wish to take one of these training course in order to learn more about a these subjects, gain new knowledge or develop new skills.

As experts of ESG, Satarla will producing our own public training course in the coming weeks, to support the in-house ESG training and consulting services that we already deliver to our clients. If you'd like to know more about how we help organisations with their ESG, please visit our webpage or contact us.

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