On Monday 10th to Friday 14th May 2021, Responsible Raw Materials hosted their 2021 annual conference on the ESG Toolbox for Responsible Sourcing; with experts and thought leaders from across the full value chain of raw materials, including miners, bankers, NGOs, local communities, governments and academia, sharing their tools and techniques on how and why it is important to factor sustainability and ESG into decision-making.
(Hint: if your company doesn't do it already, you are at a major strategic disadvantage compared to your peers!)
The talks from the conference form the ESG Toolbox for Responsible Sourcing and are summarised in the above infographic; all of these topics were recorded and are freely available on the Responsible Raw Materials website. The purpose of this content is to generate dialogue and provide mechanisms to ensure we explore for, extract, process, sell and reuse our raw materials in the most responsible way possible. The infographic has been used by teachers and lecturers globally and is freely available to download (please reference "www.responsiblerawmaterials.com" if you use it).
The content from the conference has been creating great discussion across the sector and we encourage you to watch and share the content with your own company or clients. For a summary of all the talks held over the five days of this conference, click here. Some specific highlights you may wish to view and share, include:
Risk management: Sarah Gordon & the Satarla team - Integrating ESG into decision making through enterprise-wide risk management
Investor perspectives: James Fryer - ESG – Can Insurers Become the Good Guys!?
Tackling governance: Ludivine Wouters - Sustainability in Governance
DNA biodiversity modelling: Vere Ross-Gillespie – DNA-based methods for mine site biodiversity monitoring: A global application
Community resilience tools: Rachel Dekker & Elizabeth Freele - Next-Gen Social Investment: New Tools to Support Community Resilience
Life cycle assessments: Laurens Tijsseling & Robert Pell - Minimizing Environmental Impact to Maximize Environmental Credentials by the Integration of Life Cycle Assessment
If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to get in touch with Satarla, who partner with Responsible Raw Materials, and we will put you in touch with the right expert: contact@satarla.com