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  • Satarla

Responsibility in mining

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Plenary talk at the 2019 Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA)

From Sarah our CEO:

Today I had the great honour to present one of the plenary talks at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the SGA - Glasgow. Thank you very much to the organisers and committee of the SGA for what is turning into a truly fantastic conference.

It is hard to believe that the last time I stood in the Bute Hall was to collect my undergraduate degree certificate in Earth Sciences from the University of Glasgow. It was this undergraduate degree that provided me with the foundations necessary to understand and question the way things were done in the mining industry. It therefore seems rather fitting that I had the opportunity to present what I have learned (so far!) in my professional career to some of the brightest minds in the industry in the same halls from which I graduated not so long ago.

If you were not lucky enough to nab a ticket for the event (and win the bottle of Aberlour Single Malt Whisky....), please have a read of the conference abstract to see how risk management enables us to make tough decisions in a challenging and complex industry.

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