
Jun 15, 20211 min

Satarla presents at HEBCON 2021

Personal and professional resilience – getting on the front foot.

The past 18 months have forced everyone to become experts at being resilient, both personally and professionally. While we absolutely do not[1] want another “covid-19”-type scenario to develop in our near future, we all know that we’d be better prepared for the next one. Even if it is only the lower barrier-to-entry in persuading decision makers to take our “what if….” conversations more seriously, as risk managers it is our duty to seek out the opportunity that Covid-19 has afforded us and step up our game in proactive risk management, and therefore improve our ability to be truly resilient.

So, as risk managers, what sort of simple tools, tips and techniques can we offer up to ensure our organisations (and ourselves) will be better prepared for the next potential shock to our systems?

This interactive session allowed us to explore a range of practical tools for risk management which can all be used to improve our organisation’s risk and resilience. Participants walked away with a range of factsheets and templates with which they could experiment with their own organisation. These tools were drawn from a range of different sectors and geographies by a diverse team of risk managers, all of whom are passionate about making risk management real rather than a box ticking exercise.

Download the free slide pack and tools here:

[1] Please note the underlining, bolding, highlighting of the word “not”!
