
Nov 27, 20222 min

Satarla dialogue tables at Resourcing Tomorrow

The Satarla team are looking forward to not only seeing one another face to face, but also lots of friends at the upcoming Resourcing Tomorrow (aka Mines and Money) conference in London this week.

As per usual, we will not only be sponsoring the ESG awards (a massive thanks to our very own Ellen Casey for having run the incredibly well governed scoring of the entries!), but also running two dialogue tables at the event.

What is a dialogue table?

A dialogue table brings together different individuals to talk about a topic of common interest to all parties. They are great for bringing together those who might otherwise not discuss these sorts of topics, despite all having strong feelings on these areas of interest.

Why are we running them?

Satarla specialises in facilitation. This is a key skill for many aspects of both risk management and sustainability. Therefore, making use of so many different individuals being in the same space is a perfect opportunity to learn from one another.

What will we be speaking about?

We will be running two dialogue tables:

1) Optimising accountability in ESG - How to spot greenwashing and what to do about it.

2) The move from tick-box to impact - How to ensure tangible value is gained from ESG.

Who will be there?

Everyone is welcome to join us. We have invited some participants to help get the ball rolling. They each come from very different backgrounds including academia, government, mining companies, investors, royalties, civil society, etc. They will be fantastic discussions!

How can I find out more / take part?

Lots more information can be found in our flier here. If you cant join us at the conference, we will be posting blogs outlining what we discussed and invite you to take part in the discussion = all perspectives welcome!
